130 Axis 131 Allied 132 Neutral 133 Attacker 134 Defender 135 No 136 Yes 137 Friendly 138 Enemy 190 No CD-ROM detected. 191 Insert Combat Mission CD-ROM and restart the game to get full functionality. 192 IMPORTANT: Game can only function if you did a FULL installation. 200 Play by E-Mail 201 You will now be asked to save a play-by-email file which will be 202 saved in the "PBEM" directory. Then you should switch to your 203 desktop by pressing the ESC key (or ALT-TAB) and email the file. 204 desktop by pressing the ESC key, and email the file. 205 Click the mouse to continue. 210 Show All Paths/Targets OFF 211 Show All Movement Paths 212 Show All Target Lines 213 Show All Paths/Targets 220 Sound = 221 Off 222 On 223 On + Ambient 230 Camera Dip = 233 Gamma (Brightness) = 234 Lowest 235 Low 236 Medium 237 High 238 Highest 240 Weather/Fog Graphics = 241 None 242 Partial 243 Full 250 Horizon = 251 Unlimited 260 Zoom = x 265 Smoke Graphics = 266 None 267 Fast and Compatible 268 High Quality 270 Scale = 271 Realistic 272 Enlarge + 280 Tree Display = 281 Sparse 282 Moderate 283 Coverage 290 Show Bases 291 Show Landmarks 292 Show Vehicles 293 Show Victory Flags 294 Hide Roofs 295 Show Third Squad Member 296 Show Exit Zone 297 Camera Shake 298 Detailed Armor Hit Text 299 Warning Labels 300 Occupied Building Transparency 301 Show Frame Rate 302 View Point-Rotate 310 OK 311 YES 312 NO 317 % force size 318 Run the Combat Mission installed to your hard disk, 319 not the original from the CD-ROM. 320 Save current scenario? 321 Are you sure you want to quit? 322 Are you sure you want to surrender? 323 (Secretly) Prepare for a cease fire? 324 Attempt to skip night combat? 325 Reinforcements have arrived. 326 You have spent too many points (marked in red). 327 You need to spend points to purchase units. 328 Immediately quit this scenario? 329 Play Balance: 330 force has 331 % extra troops 332 You must update to a new version to use this file. 333 File exists. Overwrite? 334 Apple SoundSprocket needed for 3-D sound. Download from: 335 . Search for "sprockets". 336 Please visit www.battlefront.com for more information. 337 File is meant for a different edition of Combat Mission. 338 Your opponent's email file is an old version. 339 He must upgrade from www.battlefront.com. 340 Choose Side and Game Options 341 Play Balance 342 Allied +200% 343 Allied +150% 344 Allied +100% 345 Allied +75% 346 Allied +50% 347 Allied +25% 348 Normal 349 Axis +25% 350 Axis +50% 351 Axis +75% 352 Axis +100% 353 Axis +150% 354 Axis +200% 360 Choose Number of Players and Connection Type 361 Choose Connection Type 362 1 Player 363 Hotseat 364 Email 365 TCP/IP 370 Player) Enter 371 Password 372 a New Password 380 Fog of War 381 Computer Player Setup 382 Free to Place Units 383 Stick to Scenario Default 384 Computer Experience Bonus 390 Autosave 391 Quick Battle 400 Fighter-Bomber 410 Computer Player Thinking... 420 casualty 421 captured 422 mortar destroyed 423 gun destroyed 424 pillbox knocked out 425 vehicle knocked out 426 airplane shot down 430 casualties 431 captured 432 mortars destroyed 433 guns destroyed 434 pillboxes knocked out 435 vehicles knocked out 436 airplanes shot down 440 Axis Total Victory 441 Axis Major Victory 442 Axis Tactical Victory 443 Axis Minor Victory 444 Draw 445 Allied Minor Victory 446 Allied Tactical Victory 447 Allied Major Victory 448 Allied Total Victory 450 KIA) 451 Men OK: 452 Score: 453 Allied surrender, 454 Axis surrender, 455 OPERATION RESULT: 456 1 battle 457 battles 458 complete out of 459 Night is falling 460 One more battle before nightfall 461 battles before nightfall 470 Untitled 472 Map Edges Friendly To 473 Scenario Name: 474 Type: Operation 475 Type: Battle 480 Scheduled Reinforcement 481 Battalion Reserve 482 Regimental Reserve 483 Divisional Reserve 484 First Possible Arrival: 485 (Battle Number) 486 (Turn Number) 487 Chance per Battle: 488 Chance per Turn: 490 Type 491 Combined Arms 492 Infantry 493 Mechanized 494 Armor 495 Unrestricted 496 Battle Type 500 Force 501 No Restriction 502 Army (Heer) 503 Waffen SS 504 Fallschirmjäger 505 Gebirgsjäger 506 Volkssturm 510 No Restriction 511 American 512 American Airborne 513 British 514 British Airborne 515 Canadian 516 Polish 517 Polish Airborne 518 French 520 Quality 521 High 522 Medium 523 Low 524 Random 530 Purchase Units 531 Automatically 532 Allow Human 540 Assault 541 Attack 542 Probe 543 Meeting Engagement 550 Force Size 551 points 560 Map Size 561 Small 562 Medium 563 Large 570 Attacker 571 Axis Attacker 572 Allied Attacker 573 Meeting Engagement 580 Handicap 581 Attacker -67% 582 Attacker -50% 583 Attacker -30% 584 Attacker -10% 585 None 586 Attacker +10% 587 Attacker +25% 588 Attacker +50% 589 Attacker +75% 590 Attacker +100% 591 Attacker +200% 600 Date 601 June 1944 602 July 1944 603 August 1944 604 September 1944 605 October 1944 606 November 1944 607 December 1944 608 January 1945 609 February 1945 610 March 1945 611 April 1945 612 May 1945 620 Time 621 Day 622 Dawn/Dusk 623 Night 630 Weather 631 Clear 632 Overcast 633 Rain 634 Fog 635 Thick Fog 636 Snow 640 Game Length 641 turns 642 Each Battle Lasts 650 You may now load in three text files which you have written. These will be 651 incorporated into the scenario as three scenario briefings. The first is 652 meant for both players, the second for the Axis player only, and the 653 last for the Allied player only. You may click CANCEL for any or all of 654 them, which will cause no file to be used in that briefing. 655 Click OK, and you will be given the chance to choose three files. 660 Battle Parameters 661 Operation Parameters 662 Operation Type 670 Ground Condition 671 Very Dry 672 Dry 673 Damp 674 Wet 675 Mud 676 Deep Mud 677 Light Snow 678 Snow 679 Deep Snow 689 No Exit 690 West 691 North 692 East 693 South 694 Attacker Comes From 700 Map Edge for Exit Points 701 Flag Type 702 Static 703 Dynamic 704 Flags (small 100 pt) 705 Flags (large 300 pt) 706 Number of Flags 707 Flag Value 710 Objective is Chosen 711 Automatically 712 By Attacker 720 Axis Bonus 721 points 730 Map Contours 731 Normal (2.5m) 732 Steep (5m) 740 Defending Vehicles 741 May Dig In 742 May Not Dig In 750 Fanaticism 751 Normal 752 Regular or better 25% 753 Regular or better 50% 754 All Troops 25% 755 All Troops 50% 760 Advance 761 Assault 762 Destroy 770 Expected Progress 771 30% 772 40% 773 50% 774 60% 775 70% 776 80% 780 Max Atk:Def Casualty Ratio 781 40% 782 50% 783 60% 784 70% 785 80% 786 90% 787 100% 788 125% 789 150% 790 200% 791 300% 792 400% 793 500% 794 600% 800 Weather Pattern 801 Good 802 Mixed 803 Bad 810 Operation Length 811 battles 812 units 820 Night Falls 821 No Night 822 Every Other Battle 823 Every 3rd Battle 824 Every 4th Battle 825 Every 5th Battle 826 Every 6th Battle 827 Every 7th Battle 828 Every 8th Battle 829 Every 9th Battle 830 Every 10th Battle 840 Battle Window Size 850 Opening Battle Time Slot 851 1st (Dawn) 852 2nd 853 3rd 854 4th 855 5th 856 6th 857 7th 858 8th 859 9th 860 10th 865 Size of No Man's Land 870 May Initiate Night Combat 871 Supply 872 Ample 873 Full 874 Adequate 875 Limited 876 Scarce 877 Severe 880 Vehicle Recovery & Repair 881 Excellent 882 Good 883 Average 884 Poor 885 None 890 Width: 891 Height: 892 TOTAL 893 Spent 894 Allowed 900 Conscript 901 Green 902 Regular 903 Veteran 904 Crack 905 Elite 910 On Map 911 Reinforce 1 912 Reinforce 2 913 Reinforce 3 914 Reinforce 4 915 Reinforce 5 920 Infantry 921 Support 922 Vehicle 923 Armor 924 Artillery 925 Fortification 930 AVAILABLE 931 CHOSEN 932 Ammunition (max 940 Small Arms 941 High Explosive 942 Armor Piercing 943 Tungsten 944 Hollow Charge 945 Smoke 950 Exit Points 951 Eligible 952 Not Eligible 960 Suppression 961 Normal (None) 962 Cautious 963 Shaken 964 Pinned 965 Panicked 970 Fatigue 971 Normal (Rested) 972 Tired 973 Weary 974 Exhausted 980 Nr. Demo Charges 981 Nr. Panzerfausts 982 Panzerfaust Type 983 Panzerfaust 30 984 Panzerfaust 60 985 Panzerfaust 100 986 Nr. Rifle Grenades 990 Leadership 991 Command 992 Combat 993 Morale 994 Stealth 1000 Standard Name 1001 Special Name 1002 Experience 1010 Map Type 1011 Town 1012 Village 1013 Farmland 1014 Rural 1020 Tree Coverage 1021 Open 1022 Light 1023 Moderate 1024 Heavy 1030 Hilliness 1031 Flat 1032 Gentle Slopes 1033 Small Hills 1034 Modest Hills 1035 Large Hills 1040 Elevation tool is set to: 1041 + and - keys set elevation tool 1042 Alt + or - nudges whole map 1043 Cmd + or - nudges whole map 1044 Zone Mode 1045 Loading Preview... 1050 Con 1051 Grn 1052 Reg 1053 Vet 1054 Crk 1055 Eli 1060 Mortar: 1061 Main Gun: 1062 mm 1063 & Flamethrower 1064 Weapon: 1065 Flamethrower 1066 Transport Class: 1067 (full squad) 1068 Machineguns: 1069 Armor: 1070 - 1071 unarmored 1072 Maximum Speed: 1073 mph 1074 Men: 1075 Sniper Rifle 1076 Artillery: 1077 Rocket Lnchr: 1078 Gun: 1079 Weapons: 1080 , 1081 Ammunition: 1082 Speed: 1083 Transport: 1084 x 1085 ...and more 1086 Type: 1087 (no embark during battle) 1100 Fast 1101 Medium 1102 Slow 1103 Limited 1110 Artillery Spotter 1111 Arty Spotter 1112 Team 1113 Squad 1114 Sqd 1115 Infantry Squad? 1116 Machine Gun? 1117 Crew? 1118 Antitank Team? 1119 Flamethrower? 1120 Gun? 1121 Light Gun? 1122 Mortar? 1123 Infantry? 1124 Infantry sounds? 1130 Eliminated 1131 Abandoned 1132 Routed 1133 Broken 1134 Panic 1135 Pinned 1136 Shaken 1140 Jam 1141 Out of Ammo 1142 Low Ammo 1143 empty 1144 JAM 1145 LOW 1146 Unlimber: 1150 January 1151 February 1152 March 1153 April 1154 May 1155 June 1156 July 1157 August 1158 September 1159 October 1160 November 1161 December 1170 Time: 1171 sec 1172 min 1173 (FIRING) 1180 h 1181 a 1182 c 1183 t 1184 s 1185 F 1190 Click This Window to Remove 1200 shift-C Unit (visual) scale 1201 shift-I Smoke graphics 1202 shift-O Occupied buildings transparent 1203 shift-T Tree coverage 1204 shift-H Horizon range 1205 shift-P Show all moves/targets 1206 shift-V Show vehicles 1207 shift-F Objective flags 1208 shift-A Viewpoint up 1209 shift-Z Viewpoint down 1210 shift-S Sound 1211 shift-R Show building roofs 1212 shift-E Show exit zone (if any) 1213 shift-B Unit bases 1214 shift-M Show 3 men per squad 1215 shift-K Camera shake 1216 shift-W Weather/Fog 1217 shift-G Labels 1218 shift-D Detailed armor hits 1219 shift-L Landmarks 1220 shift-J View rotates on point 1250 ARROWS Move viewpoint 1251 1-8 Set viewpoint height 1252 < > Rotate viewpoint 1253 / Rotate view 180 degrees 1254 [ ] Zoom out/in 1255 TAB Lock view on unit 1256 ENTER Show unit details 1257 SPACE Orders menu / Cancel order 1258 BACKSPACE Erase last waypoint 1259 + Go to next friendly unit 1260 - Go to previous friendly unit 1261 \ Switch sides (Editor only) 1262 ESCAPE Switch to Desktop 1263 ` or 0 Radio chat toggle (TCP/IP) 1265 alt-B Scenario Briefing 1266 alt-S Save Game 1267 alt-C Cease Fire Request 1268 alt-U Surrender 1269 alt-A Abort Scenario 1270 alt-Q Quit Combat Mission 1271 alt-P Request TCP/IP Pause 1272 alt-G Adjust Brightness (Gamma) 1300 PREVIEW 1301 SETUP PHASE 1302 VIEW LOCKED TO UNIT 1303 TIP: Right-click on unit to bring up unit command menu 1304 TIP: Click-and-hold on unit to bring up unit command menu 1305 Hold CONTROL and click on the map to jump to that spot 1306 Embark 1307 Click near base of Flag 1308 Rotate 1310 Rotate To 1311 Reverse 1312 Move 1313 Hunt 1314 Sneak 1315 Run 1316 Crawl 1317 Fast 1318 (withdraw) 1319 / Disembark 1320 & Hide 1330 Area Target 1340 Kill: 1341 Excellent 1342 Good 1343 OK 1344 Low 1345 Rare 1346 None 1350 unidentified vehicle 1351 destroyed 1352 Kill information unavailable... 1353 No kills... 1354 infantry casualty caused 1355 infantry casualties caused 1356 infantry captured 1357 gun destroyed 1358 guns destroyed 1359 mortar destroyed 1360 mortars destroyed 1361 aircraft shot down 1362 No Further Data... 1363 ( 1364 m/s) 1365 Weight: 1366 tons ( 1367 metric) 1368 Engine: 1369 horsepower 1370 hp/ton) 1371 Ground Pressure: 1372 psi ( 1373 kg/sqcm) 1374 Silhouette: 1375 Transport Class: 1376 Passenger Capacity: 1377 none 1378 team 1379 squad 1380 (armor protected) 1381 (mm/slope) 1382 Armor 1383 % quality) 1384 Front Side Rear 1385 Superstr 1386 Turret 1387 Upper Hull 1388 Lower Hull 1389 Open Top 1390 Top 1391 deck 1392 turret 1393 & 1394 (open turret) 1395 (partly open) 1396 (has skirts) 1397 Alternate Rear-Facing Driver 1398 MG: 1399 bow 1400 ( 1401 coaxial 1402 forward 1403 .50 1404 remote 1405 .30 & .50cal 1406 .50cal 1407 forward 1408 flexible 1409 FLAME: range 1410 Speed Class: 1411 Immobile 1412 Very Slow 1413 + 1414 Panzerfaust- 1415 demo 1416 Weapon Range: 40m 100m 250m 500m 1000m 1417 TOTAL FIREPOWER 1418 Main Weapon: 1420 m/sec 1421 mortar 1422 off-map artillery 1423 rear-facing 1424 blast = 1425 Maximum Range: 1426 (minimum 1427 Minimum Range: 1428 Armor Penetration (can vary) 1429 Angle Range: 100m 500m 1000m 2000m 1430 Passengers: 1431 Riding on: 1432 deg 1433 HE (h) 1434 AP (a) 1435 TUNG (t) 1436 HOLLW (c) 1437 Rifle Grenade 1438 Gyrostabilizer 1439 Gammon Bomb 1440 Smoke Discharger 1441 Smoke Mortar 1442 Nahverteidigungswaffe 1450 Immobilized 1451 Bogged 1452 Gun Destroyed 1453 Gun 1454 MG 1455 Wheel 1456 Track 1457 hit 1458 Damaged 1459 No serious damage 1460 Front 1461 Side 1462 Rear 1463 superstructure 1464 upper hull 1465 lower hull 1466 top 1467 penetration 1468 at weak point 1469 Knocked out 1470 Immobilized, gun damaged 1471 Immobilized, MG damaged 1472 Gun damaged 1473 MG damaged 1474 Shell broke up 1475 Ricochet 1476 internal armor flaking 1477 - crew hit 1478 Rear door 1479 Firing slit 1480 diesel 1481 very slow 1482 slow 1483 medium 1484 fast 1485 very fast 1486 slow ROF 1487 Burns Easily 1488 Shot Trap 1500 MAIN SCREEN 1501 GAME SELECTION SCREEN 1502 MULTIPLAYER SCREEN 1520 Click to play a battle or operation scenario 1521 Click to load a play-by-email file or join an internet game 1522 Click to replay a Combat Movie 1523 Click to create or edit your own scenario 1524 Click to exit Combat Mission 1525 Click to go back to the Main Screen 1526 Click to play the highlighted scenario 1527 Click to load your opponent's play-by-email file 1528 Click to join a networked game hosted by your opponent 1530 QUICK-BATTLE 1531 Make your own battle with a few mouse clicks! 1532 Brief Description 1533 Scanning Disk For Scenarios... 1534 Saved Game 1540 Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs 1541 Scenarios 1542 Saved Games 1543 PBEM 1550 Loading 3-D Graphics... 1560 Tiny 1561 Small 1562 Medium 1563 Large 1564 Huge 1570 Should Exit 1571 For Points 1580 OUT OF RANGE 1581 Sight Blocked 1582 SMOKE 1583 Hull Down 1584 Hit: 1585 in 1586 Firepower: 1587 Exposure: 1588 IMMOBILIZED 1589 Adjust Fire 1590 Area Fire 1591 (bow MG blocked) 1600 (Enter a blank name to delete landmark) 1610 Battle # 1611 of 1620 TOURNAMENT SAVE FORMAT 1621 IMPORTANT: The Tournament Save format prohibits future opening of the file in 1622 the Combat Mission editor. This prohibits tournament players from examining 1623 the contents of the scenario before competitive play, but it prevents YOU from 1624 editing the file as well. We strongly advise that you save a second copy of 1625 this file USING THE NORMAL SAVE FUNCTION before quitting the editor. 1630 First Player is 1640 SHIFT enlarges paintbrush. CTRL-click sets landmark. 1650 BriefingOverall.txt 1651 BriefingAxis.txt 1652 BriefingAllied.txt 1660 Damaged 1661 Heavily Damaged 1670 Time Limit: None 1671 Time Limit: 1 minute 1672 Time Limit: 2 minutes 1673 Time Limit: 3 minutes 1674 Time Limit: 5 minutes 1675 Time Limit: 7 minutes 1676 Time Limit: 10 minutes 1677 Time Limit: 15 minutes 1678 Time Limit: 20 minutes 1679 Time Limit: 30 minutes 1680 Waiting for opponent to connect. 1681 Connection made. Uploading scenario data... 1682 TCP/IP: Uploading your move... 1683 TCP/IP: Waiting for opponent to complete orders 1684 TCP/IP: Downloading opponent's move... 1685 TCP/IP: Opponent is waiting for you to complete orders 1686 TCP/IP: Connected. Waiting for opponent to load scenario. 1687 Your IP address is 1688 Can't locate network! 1689 Time Remaining: 1690 TCP/IP: Downloading scenario data... 1691 (This will take a few moments) 1692 Toggle radio input with ` or 0 key. 1693 AUTOSAVE RELOAD: No orders permitted in this turn. Just click GO. 1694 Opponent's IP Address: 1695 TCP/IP: Loading 3-D graphics for enemy forces... 1696 TCP/IP: Action being computed on opponent's computer... 1697 TCP/IP: Uploading action data... 1698 TCP/IP: Downloading action data... 1699 TCP/IP: Computing action data... 1700 ERROR: Cannot open connection on TCP/IP network 1701 ERROR: Cannot connect to 1702 specified IP address 1703 ERROR: Lost connection to opponent. Game aborting. 1704 You can resume later using AUTOSAVE scenario. 1705 Opponent has a different version of Combat Mission. You should both 1706 upgrade to the latest from www.battlefront.com and try again. 1707 Data transfer progress 1708 TCP/IP: Completing upload... 1709 ERROR: Connection to opponent timed out. Game aborting. 1710 COMPLETING UPLOAD... 1711 Your opponent has quit the game. 1712 Setup for next battle is being computed on 1713 your opponent's computer. Please wait... 1714 You have requested that the time limit be ignored for this turn. 1715 TCP/IP: Waiting for opponent to view last After Action report... 1716 Opponent requests that time limit be ignored for this turn. 1717 Click MAP to continue radio chat with opponent. 1718 Timer Disabled 1719 Your IP address is: 1720 Your IP addresses are: 5000 open ground 5001 marsh 5002 scattered trees 5003 woods 5004 tall pines 5005 grain 5006 brush 5007 rough 5008 water 5009 ford 5010 light building 5011 heavy building 5012 tall light building 5013 tall heavy building 5014 church 5015 wood bridge 5016 stone bridge 5017 tall stone bridge 5018 tall land bridge w/road 5019 tall land bridge 5020 rubble 5021 burning building 5022 burning tall wood building 5023 burning tall stone bldg 5024 burning scattered trees 5025 burning woods 5026 burning tall pines 5027 burning grain 5028 stone wall 5029 hedge 5030 bocage 5031 railroad track 5032 dirt road 5033 dirt road in scttrd trees 5034 dirt road in woods 5035 dirt road in tall pines 5036 dirt & paved join 5037 dirt & paved in scrd trees 5038 dirt & paved in woods 5039 dirt & paved in tall pines 5040 paved road 5041 paved road in scttrd trees 5042 paved road in woods 5043 paved road in tall pines 5044 pavement 5100 Am 5101 AA 5102 Am 5103 Br 5104 BA 5105 Br 5106 Ar 5107 FJ 5108 SS 5109 Ar 5110 Vo 5111 Gb 5112 Ca 5113 Ca 5114 Po 5115 PA 5116 Po 5117 Fr 5118 Fr 5200 Heavy Tank 5201 Medium Tank 5202 Light Tank 5203 Infantry Tank 5204 Close Support Tank 5205 Assault Tank 5206 Tank Destroyer 5207 Tank Hunter 5208 Assault Gun 5209 Self-Propelled Artillery 5210 Flamethrower Tank 5211 Flamethrower Vehicle 5212 Halftrack 5213 Assault Halftrack 5214 Armored Car 5215 Mortar Carrier 5216 Scout Car 5217 Armored Personnel Carrier 5218 Carrier 5219 Recon Vehicle 5220 Antiaircraft Vehicle 5221 Transport 5222 Boat 5223 Pillbox 5300 Roadblock 5301 Barbed Wire 5302 Target Reference Point 5303 Ambush Marker 5304 Antipersonnel Mines 5305 Antitank Mines 5306 Daisy-Chain Antitank Mines 5308 Large Victory Flag Marker 5309 Small Victory Flag Marker 5310 Reinforcement Marker 5400 Roadblock 5401 Wire 5402 Target Ref Pt 5403 Ambush Marker 5404 APRSN Mines 5405 AT Mines 5406 AT Mine Chain 5408 Large Flag 5409 Small Flag 5410 Reinf. Marker 5500 open ground 5504 roadblock 5510 track 5511 pavement 5512 marsh 5513 scattered trees 5514 woods 5515 tall pines 5516 wheat field 5517 brush 5518 rough 5519 rubble 5520 slope 5521 trees on slope 5522 wooded slope 5523 tall pines slope 5524 cliff 5525 water 5526 ford 5527 ice 5528 bocage 5529 wall 5530 hedge 5531 light building 5532 heavy building 5600 barbed wire 5601 foxhole 5602 crater 5603 road 5604 bridge 5605 wrecked bridge 5606 top floor 5700 Panzer IV? 5701 Panther? 5702 Tiger? 5703 Assault Gun? 5704 SP Gun? 5705 Light tank? 5706 Halftrack? 5707 Armored Car? 5708 AA Vehicle? 5709 Truck? 5710 Jeep? 5711 M4 Sherman? 5712 M26 Pershing? 5713 Tank Destroyer? 5715 M5 Stuart? 5716 M24 Chaffee? 5722 Assault Boat? 5724 Sherman? 5725 Firefly? 5726 Cromwell? 5727 Comet? 5728 Churchill? 5731 APC? 5735 Carrier? 5800 Truck? 5801 Light armor? 5802 Tank? 5803 Pillbox? 9998 Version 1.12 9999 112